The door of this bar is an over 70-year-old Coke vending machine. Antique lighting
over a century old dots the interior, and the counter was made from the same kind of wood
used in bourbon casks. The vintage materials used for the floor were aged to match
the owner's color preferences, and special plastering was applied to the walls to give it
an atmospheric smoky tone that matches the bar's atmosphere. The owner, a jazz performer
with a profound knowledge of the genre, shared his aesthetic concept, developed
over many years, and we created an interior decoration plan for realizing that dream.
- 設計施工
- 無相創
- 事業形態
- Jazz live bar
- 所在地
- 東京都世田谷区北沢2-1-7
- 床面積
- 53.75平米
- 構造
- 鉄骨造
- 主要工事
- 解体工事、内装工事、什器製作、照明製作、特殊左官、アンティーク什器