「一遍の詩のように語りかけてくるひとつ ひとつを手のひらに乗るくらいに集めました」
This apparel boutique offers carefully chosen articles in line with the store's concept of “gathering
a small selection of products, each and every one of which speaks to you, like it is reciting a poem.”
The client was a customer of ours from when we were located in Nishi-Ogikubo. We handled
the store's original construction, as well as its later renovation. In our design, we brought out the
qualities of the steel construction vintage building. In order to best highlight the furniture, carefully
selected by the client, we used special plaster and aging paint on the walls, creating a harmonious interior.
- 設計施工
- 無相創
- 事業形態
- アパレル・セレクトショップ
- 所在地
- 東京都杉並区西荻北3-2-3
- 床面積
- 65.73平米
- 構造
- 鉄骨
- 主要工事
- 解体工事、内装工事、什器製作、照明製作、特殊左官工事、金属工事